Dead Man's Snitch

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New Intervals + UI Facelift

15 & 30 Minute Intervals

We’re excited to announce that your #1 most requested feature, 15 and 30 minute intervals, are now live! Monitoring tasks that run multiples times per hour is now easier than ever. You’ll also receive alerts up to 4x faster than before—Enjoy!

UI Facelift

The dashboard needed some love. We redesigned your dashboard to make it even easier (and faster) to manage your snitches. It doesn’t stop here, though. We’ll be introducing new features and functionality in the near future. Stay tuned!

iPhone App

We carried the new UI into our beloved iPhone app. Push notification alerts are available if email alerts aren’t enough! The app is free to download here.

Never heard of Dead Man’s Snitch but use cron or Heroku Scheduler? Give it a try free!

Set a Billing Email

Send all billing related emails directly to your accounting department. If left blank, billing emails will be sent to the Account Email. Enter your password to confirm your changes.

Happy Snitching!

Send Alerts to Multiple Emails

Keep the right people (or the whole team) informed.

Per snitch:


Happy Snitching!

New Plans and Pricing

We are excited to announce that our new plans are live! Since acquiring Dead Man’s Snitch back in July we quickly learned that two plans wasn’t enough for our wide range of users. Since then, we’ve collected great feedback from users to help shape the new plans.

We’re excited about the future developments of Dead Man’s Snitch and hope you are too. To compliment the new plans, extra features are in the pipeline and Enhanced Intervals will be available soon!

Check out the new plans here ➞

iOS App Release & Updates

Exciting things are happening with Dead Man’s Snitch!

We have rolled out some great new features for Dead Man’s Snitch (DMS). Please take a moment and let us walk you through what we’ve been up to. We think you will appreciate what we have done.

iPhone App Available Now

Users can now download the DMS app to conveniently monitor their Snitches from their iPhone. The app will allow users to get alerts quickly and conveniently when their processes aren’t reporting back to DMS. Download the app here

Email Subject Line Alerts

New email subject line prefixes make viewing your Snitch alert emails faster and easier. The terms, [MISSING] and [REPORTING], will be displayed at the beginning of your email based on whether or not your processes are running.

New Logo & Visual Improvements

We are proud to finally roll out a logo for Dead Man’s Snitch. Up until now we relied on our status LED to represent us. We knew it was time to put a face on DMS and that is why we made a logo.

Additionally we have improved the appearance of UI elements in the web app to be in line with our new iPhone app. Updates will continue to be released as we enhance the functionality and user-experience of Dead Man’s Snitch.

Stay tuned & happy snitching!

Collective Idea Acquires Dead Man's Snitch

Dead Man’s Snitch is under new management, but we’re committed to making the service even better than before!

Snitch Notes

Now you can add some markdown-formatted notes to a Snitch and we’ll send them along in the Snitch failed email.

Per-Snitch Alert Email Addresses

You can now specify per-snitch alert email addresses. You may do this if you want different people to receive the alerts for a Snitch.

Check out the FAQ for more information about which email address will be used when sending alerts.

In Which We Start to Trim Snitch Data

Starting this week we will be rolling out a part of the site that will trim the data for every snitch. We will be keeping 360 periods for hourly snitches (15 days), 30 periods for daily snitches and 24 periods for weekly and monthly snitches.

We are doing this because the data is exploding on our end and we want to manage it before it becomes a problem. We have had the possibility of trimming the data in our FAQ from the first day.

Weekly Summaries

Over the last few months we’ve come to realize that months can go by without you hearing from us which can lead some people to wonder whether we are doing our job. So last week we launched weekly summaries which will hopefully give you the peace of mind that we are indeed doing our job as well as remind you if you have something misconfigured.

This feature has been really helpful for us and we hope it will be for you too.